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Tomate tu tiempo, escribe.
Take your time, write. 

Notebook and Pen

Notes by lancelot

Writer Portfolio

"All life is, is a journey were you choose what stories to live, you can live suffering in your stories, resist them, or breakthrough the character we told ourselves we are or can be, we chose, now all thats left is to live it. Enjoy."

"La vida es un camino en el que escoges que historias vivir, puedes resistirlas, sufrir por ellas o cambiar tu paradigma del personaje que te dijiste que eras o podias ser, escogimos, ahora lo que queda por hacer es vivirlo. Disfrutalo."


past. PRESENT. future.



"no hay sentimientos correctos o incorrectos, solo motivos por los que los sentimos."

"there is no right or wrong feelings, only reasons why we feel them."

my story ?
¿ mi historia ?

"your present is a product of your past, as long as you follow the same patterns you'll live the same patterns, by looking within the past and learning from it rather than resisting it, you evolve yourself, know yourself, attend to yourself."
"Tu presente es producto de tu pasado, mientras sigas los mismos patrones viviras los mismos patrones, al observar el interior de nuestro pasado y aprender de el, en lugar de resistirlo, te evolucionas, conoces."


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